Class Registration
Intro to Fly Fishing Class
This one night class is an introduction to fly fishing and will give you an introductory knowledge of the following:
Purchasing equipment - What you need to know about fly rods, reels, lines, waders, and more.
Knots - Essential knots you need to know how to tie
Insects and Imitations - Learn about the insects trout eat and the flies that imitate them
Techniques and Tips - Understand about different ways to cast your fly & increase your chances to catch fish
DATE/TIME: September 17 / 7-9:30pm
COST $65: Includes the class and the book, “Fly Fishing Fundamentals: A Visual and Practical Guide for Beginners” published by Hancock House
HOW TO REGISTER: Text or email your name, phone number, and email to / 551-689-9372 and I will send you the registration info. Registration is limited to the first 10 people.